Posts Tagged 'Radar'

Moral Dilemma

Britney’s next single is “Radar”, and therefore they’ve made a music video for it.

They (aka the assholes over at Jive) haven’t given us a release date for the video, but tonight, someone leaked it onto YouTube.

And I don’t know what to do.

Should I watch it and enjoy the four minutes of Britney’s sexy self dancing and lip synching her heart out…or should I wait for the actual release?

Because you know, what if it’s not done yet? What if this isn’t how Britney wants me to see it? What if this isn’t how all the crew of the video wants me to see it?

Shit, this is hard. I never felt bad about watching pirated episodes of The L Word, but for actual quality entertainment that is guarteened by anything related to Britney, shouldn’t I respect the creators and the artists enough to wait until the offical release? Because as a person who is going into a media related field, wouldn’t I want my future consumers to have the same respect for my projects?

But what if Britney’s wearing something sexy? What if she has some really hot dance moves??

Oh, this open YouTube window is just taunting me. I can hear the beginning of “Radar” right now in my head. But…alas…I think I will wait. At least for now.


Okay, so I just watched the video. And I’m glad that I did, because Britney looked fine! Unfortunatley, though, there was no dancing at all! But that’s okay. It was still a good video. Although, to be honest, I always pictured “Radar” more like at a nightclub…not at a horse race.

An Open Letter to Jive Records

Dear Jive Records,

Congratulations on having the number one artist of all time on your label! I don’t even need to say her name, because we all know who it is. Oh, and good for you for also having Britney Spears.

I was pleased to see that you have selected “Radar” to be the next single from Circus (or should I say Blackout?).

But I was dissapointed to see your chosen cover art:


Jive…you beyond suck at promotion. We have seen this photoshoot sooo many times. (And let’s not even talk about the Circus tour promotion photos. If I see that picture of Brit on the tightrope one more time I will die).

I don’t know if you know this about Britney Spears, but she is a pretty attractive human being. So would it kill you to schedule another photoshoot?? Or at least to use more than the same three picutres that you use over and over?

I will be the first to volunteer to go to her house with a digital camera to take a few thousand more photos that you can use.

You currently have the hottest artists of all time on your label…why not actually do something with her?



PS You’re lucky that I didn’t even get into how you treated Blackout. Because that’s just shameful.

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